Active: 2017
Length: 1-2 hours
One-Shot, 3 mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Tag: Fate
Fandible: Dresden Files Accelerated
Active: 2017
Length: ~2 hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Fate: The British Life of Pets
Active: 2017
Length: 2½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Magic the Gathering: The Savage Green
Active: 2014
Length: 2½ hours
One-Shot, FATE Accelerated system inspired by Magic the Gathering.
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Spirit of the Century: Cold as Mother Russia
Active: 2013
Length: ~2hours
One-Shot, 2 mp3’s
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Atomic Robo
Active: 2012
Length: 2½-3½ hours
5 episodes
Explicit Tag in iTunes
Fandible: Legends of Anglerre: Two and a Half Bears
Active: 2012
Length: 3½ hours
Explicit Tag in iTunes